How would you like a FREE Network IT Assessment for your business?
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Don't leave yourself open to litigation, fines, or the "front page" If you've caught the news recently, You know that maintaining the security and health of your business data and company network is tougher -
and more critical - than ever. A full network assessment from IS&T, (also called a "network audit" or "IT review"), will ensure that proper network protocols, procedures, tools, and systems are integrated, tested and set up properly in your technology environment.
For a small business owner or IT manager, an IT Network Assessment gives you a clear picture of your network infrastructure and the security posture of how the IT environment is set up and being maintained. If your company is considering expanding your network, an IT Network Assessment is also a great way to properly take inventory and establishing a baseline of current performance levels. An IT Network Assessment will identify equipment that is poorly performing or near its End-of-Life and will also reveal the skill level of the IT staff that is configuring and maintaining the IT environment.
An IT system isn’t just technology for technology’s sake.
Technology should help meet specific business goals and provide value. An IT Assessment can make sure that the technology is meeting these goals, or provide a blueprint for improving the technology and a specific and measurable template for achieving business objectives. It can also ensure that IT technology and security is in compliance with government guidelines and best practices.
Here is an example of the IT Network Assessment Checklist we utilize. A typical IT Network Assessment consists of 5 key evaluation areas:
- Server & Desktop Infrastructure: Document the hardware and software on each device, is there missing software license keys or worse yet are duplicate software keys in use? Is any of the equipment out of warranty or End-of-Life support?
- Operating Systems & Active Directory Configuration: An inventory of Operating Systems and an evaluation of how the O/S is set up. Is Active Directory in place, and is it correctly deployed?
- Patching & Anti-Virus/Malware Status: Are the Servers and PCs properly and timely patched? Is there a common Anti-Virus in place? Is it updating, scanning and quarantining as expected?
- Data Backups & Business Continuity: Are your backups running? Can you restore a file, application or entire server quickly? Do you test your backups to ensure they are viable? How do you replace a server and get your business back up and running if stolen, theft, fire, or other disasters?
- LAN/WAN Performance & Security: Are your WAN routers, LAN switches, and your Firewall all manufacturers supported, flashed to recent software levels, and configured to ensure good performance and high security?

Let us come out and visit with you about how IS&T's IT Network Assessment Process is done, what the process involves and how we can you gain a valuable sense of what exactly to expect.
Don't wait another minute. To get started with your free, no-risk, security assessment, please send us your contact submission with your information by clicking below. Your contact details will not be shared with any third parties.